Cygienic vCISO AI-powered Cyber Risk Management Platform

Commercial & Community Edition

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Attack Surface & Cyber Ratings

Continuous monitoring of the client's cyber attack surface, security compliance, and financial ratings. A non-intrusive, passive monitoring service with daily reporting via dashboards and automated reports.

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Security Compliance Management

Centrally managed security compliance ratings, workflow, and automated reporting. Insurance standard and security standard cyber compliance questionnaires e.g. ISO27001, GDPR, NIST, CIS.

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Financial Risk Management

Powerful automated and adjustable cybersecurity cost and proprietary risk probability calculators for a company cyber-attack, ransomware, and data breach.

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Daily Threat Monitoring

Continuous monitoring of attack surface threats, cyber ratings, financial scores, and security compliance thresholds.

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3rd-Party Portfolio Management

A 360-degree portfolio view of your company and your client or 3rd-party cyber risks, threats, financial exposure, and thresholds, in real-time, and from one dashboard.

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Vulnerability & Data Leak Scans

AI-powered scanners to assess internet server vulnerabilities, and to discover company confidential data leaks found in the dark web.

Industry Attack Surface Ratings

Technology Services C+


Financial Services B


Agriculture & Farming C+


Food & Drinks C+


Retail & Commerce C+


Energy & Utility C+


Healthcare C+


Industrial & Manufacturing C+


Telecommunication B


Material & Chemicals C+


Real Estate C+


Government B


Educational Services C+


Entertainment C+


Media & Advertising Services B


Sports & Sport Services C+


Construction & Development C+


Logistics & Supply Chain C+


Consultancy & Prof. Services C+


Apparel & Wear Accessories C+


Crypto & Blockchain B+


Cosmetics & Health B


Home & Electronic Product B


Transport & Services B


Travel & Tourism C+


Hotel & Hospitality Services B


Cygienic vCISO AI-powered Technology

No Installation. No Expertise Required

No. The platform was designed to automate or complement some of the CISO tasks - so, no cyber expertise is required to use Cygienic vCISO. This is a great option for SMEs with a limited cyber budget and IT Managers, or Cyber Analysts to subscribe.

No. Our scans are passive, non-intrusive to any company system. What’s more, they are 100% safe and anonymous for 3rd party assessments.

Yes. Register and you'll have immediate access to the demo site. Unfortunately, Cygienic doesn't operate in the immediate demo mode, so you will need to contact sales to switch it on.

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